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Investor Relations

Keep Mango In Your Wallet & Your Portfolio

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Mangoceuticals, Inc. ticker symbol?

Our common stock ticker symbol is MGRX.

What exchange does MGRX stock trade on?

MGRX common shares are traded on the NASDAQ.

How can I obtain the MGRX’s stock price?

Go to the Stock Info page on this web tab, or you may visit or other financial portals or stock brokerage apps or websites.

When was MGRX' initial public offering (IPO)?

MGRX successfully completed its Initial Public Offering on March 21, 2023.

Are you on a calendar or different fiscal year?

We are on a calendar year that ends December 31.

Who should I contact regarding lost or any changes to my stock certificate(s)?

You should contact Mangoceuticals, Inc.’s transfer agent, ClearTrust, LLC, at:

16540 Pointe Village Drive, Suite 210

Lutz, Florida, 33558

What is the MGRX CUSIP number?

The CUSIP # for MGRX is 56270V 205

When is the next Annual Shareholders Meeting?

The date for the next Annual Shareholders Meeting has yet to be determined. We will announce it and make its materials available to shareholders through the relevant filing with the SEC.

Where can I get information on the Company?

Our website at, along with our SEC filings which are provided on our website, are the most comprehensive sources. Also, see also our list of social media accounts, below.

Where can I get information about MGRX's Board of Directors?

Bios for our Management Team, Advisory Board and Board of Directors are listed on the Management page of this web tab.

Who is MGRX's independent auditor?

Turner, Stone & Company, L.L.P.
12700 Park Central Drive, Suite 1400
Dallas, TX 75251
Tel: 972.239.1660

Where can I get employment information?

When we have job openings, we will usually post them on the major national online job websites.

What year and where was MGRX incorporated?

The Company was incorporated in 2021 in the state of Texas.

Where is Mangoceuticals, Inc’s corporate headquarters?

Our offices are located at
15110 Dallas Parkway, Suite 600
Dallas, Texas 75248.

Does MGRX have a direct stock purchase plan or a dividend reinvestment plan?


Does MGRX pay a dividend?

No, as a developmental stage company, MGRX plans to reinvest cash flow back into the business for the foreseeable future.

How can investors contact MGRX investor relations?

Contact us at

How can I follow the Company on social media?

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